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Psychology, Wellness and You

Due to current high demand and long waitlists to see a psychologist, we have developed an online program to support you while you wait to start your therapy journey.

This online program has been designed by our team of psychologists to provide you with psychoeducation regarding mental health concerns and relaxation/regulation tools, so you can get a head start on your threapy journey. This course is deisnged to help you walk into your first psychology session feeling ready and prepared. 


$220 - $180

What You Get:

6 weeks of Exclusive course content 

Every week day for 6 weeks, you will recieve your wellness content delivered straight to your email. While emails will be delivered daily, you can work at your own pace. This content is EXCLUSIVE to Drop of Life clients, and made by our team of psychologists. 

Instructional videos and handouts

Each session will include an easy to follow instructional video that carefully guides you through your lesson. You will also receive exclusive handouts to assisst your learning. 

Fast track your waitlist progress

Due to your demonstrated commitment to therapy, you will be placed as a priority on the waitlist for your upcoming initial appointment with your psychologist.


Founder, Director and Principal Psychologist

We can't wait for you to join us in this journey

As a valued client of Drop of Life, we want to make sure you are supported from your very first contact with us. Due to current high demand for psychologists and long waitlists, we have had to get creative about how we provide support to our valued clients. That is why we designed this online program, Psychology, Wellness and You.

We hope this online program provides you with some knowledge and tools to manage your mental health before you begin your indiviudal therapy journey with your psychologist.  


The information presented in Psychology, Wellness and You is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. This program is not intended to be used as individual therapy.

Sign up today! Fill in the form to recieve your invoice via email. 

We will never spam you. That's a promise!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information presented in Psychology, Wellness and You is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. This program is not intended to be used as individual therapy.

Drop of Life Psychology Clinic 2005-2020